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A Day Without Rain (2000)

A Day Without Rain (2000)

Enya's fifth studio album, A Day Without Rain, made its debut on November 20, 2000, under the WEA label. The album gained significant recognition, primarily due to the inclusion of the song "Only Time," which served as the album's second single. "Only Time" quickly rose to prominence in 2000, capturing the hearts of listeners and achieving substantial success. However, its impact further intensified in 2001, when the song became intimately associated with the tragic events of the September 11 attacks. Through extensive use in various forms of media, "Only Time" became an anthem of resilience and hope during that challenging period. The album's enduring legacy stands as a testament to Enya's ability to create powerful and emotionally evocative music that resonates with audiences around the world.

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Following a promotional tour in support of her compilation album Paint the Sky with Stars (1997), Enya took a short break before she resumed writing and recording a new album in 1998 with her usual recording partners, producer and arranger Nicky Ryan and his wife, lyricist Roma Ryan. In a musical departure from her previous albums, Enya incorporates a string section which was not a conscious decision.

Three versions of A Day Without Rain were released. In most countries, the album includes "The First of Autumn." The U.S. version lacks this track, while the Japanese version replaced "The First of Autumn" with "Isobella".

It remains Enya's best selling album with an estimated 16 million copies sold worldwide. To promote the album, Enya made several interviews and televised performances, including the 2001 World Music Awards. In 2002, the album won Enya her third Grammy Award for Best New Age Album.

A Day Without Rain is probably the most positive of all the albums in the sense that even reminiscences are looked upon lovingly rather than with only sadness, that you are able to enjoy life, that you are able to meet the day and not be afraid, but know where you are in it. Hence, the reference to the ocean and water as being one of separation has now become one that is less painful. Now is the time to see the beauty of life — in all its seasons.

Enya, Barnes & Noble, 2000

Recording took place at Aigle Studio in the Ryans' home in Killiney, County Dublin. Enya felt the need to work at a more leisurely pace for A Day Without Rain. than working on her previous studio album, The Memory of Trees (1995), making a conscious effort to record for five days a week instead of seven, and take the weekends off. The reduction in her work schedule made her feel happier as a result.

Enya produced A Day Without Rain in a similar way to her previous albums. She first spends time alone developing melodies and outlines of songs on the piano. These would then be presented to the Ryans; "I'm quite anxious at this point", she said, "because it really is an act of laying your soul bare". While Roma starts to write lyrics to the melodies, Enya and Nicky will work in the studio to develop them into completed arrangements. Working without a deadline from her record label or a set timeline, Enya felt the project was complete after two years, feeling it was time to "step out of the studio ... time for it to have its life out in the world".

Release date: November 21, 2000
Released as CD, cassette and mini-disc (UK only)
Album time: 37:33

Jump to lyrics, videos list, linear notes, awards, charts and credits.

Track list

  1. A Day Without Rain · Instrumental · 2:38
  2. Wild Child · English · 3:47
  3. Only Time · English · 3:38
  4. Tempus Vernum · Latin · 2:24
  5. Deora Ar Mo Chroí · Gaelic · 2:48
  6. Flora's Secret · English · 4:07
  7. Fallen Embers · English · 2:31
  8. Silver Inches · Instrumental · 1:37
  9. Pilgrim · English · 3:12
  10. One By One · English · 3:54
  11. The First Of Autumn (Not available in original US release) · Instrumental · 3:10
  12. Isobella (Japanese bonus track) · Gaelic · 4:26
  13. Lazy Days · English · 3:42


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Wild Child lyrics

Roma Ryan

Ever close your eyes
Ever stop and listen
Ever feel alive
And you've nothing missing
You don't need a reason
Let the day go on and on

Let the rain fall down
Everywhere around you
Give into it now
Let the day surround you
You don't need a reason
Let the rain go on and on

What a day, what a day to take to
What a way, what a way to make it through
What a day, what a day to take to
A wild child

Only take the time
From the helter skelter
Every day you find
Everything's in kilter
You don't need a reason
Let the day go on and on

Every summer sun
Every winter evening
Every spring to come
Every autumn leaving
You don't need a reason
Let it all go on and on


What a day, what a day to take to
What a way, what a way to make it through
What a day, what a day to take to
What a way, what a way to make it through
What a way, what a way to make it through
What a day, what a day to take to
A wild child
What a day, what a day to take to
A wild child

Only Time lyrics

Roma Ryan

Who can say where the road goes,
Where the day flows?
Only time...

And who can say if your love grows,
As your heart chose?
Only time...


Who can say why your heart sighs,
As your love flies?
Only time...

And who can say why your heart cries,
When your love dies?
Only time...


Who can say when the roads meet,
That love might be,
In your heart.

And who can say when the day sleeps,
If the night keeps all your heart?
Night keeps all your heart...

(extended chants)

Who can say if your love grows,
As your heart chose?
Only time...

And who can say where the road goes,
Where the day flows?
Only time...

Who knows?
Only time...

Who knows?
Only time...

Tempus Vernum lyrics

Roma Ryan

Oceanus, maritimus,
Opacare, matutinus,
Septentrio, meridies,
Occidens et orientis,
Oceanus, maritimus,
Opacare, matutinus,
Septentrio, meridies,
Occidens et orientis,

Terra, stella,
Hiems et aestas,

Autumnus et tempus vernum,

Radius solis
Et umbra,
Ignis, aqua
Caelum, luna,
Terra, stella,
Hierns et aestas,
Autumnus et tempus vernum...

Tempus vernum...


Therefore; ocean, tide, shade, morning...

Therefore; north, south, east, west
and sunbeam and shadow,
fire, water, sky, moon, earth, star,
winter and summer, autumn and spring

Deora Ar Mo Chroí lyrics

Lyrics by Roma Ryan, Irish adaptation by Enya

Ba dheas an lá go oíche
Na glórtha binne i mo thaobh
'S aoibhneas i gach áit gan gruaim
Áthas ar mo chroí go deo

Ma shiúlaim ó na laetha beo
An ghrian 's an ghealach ar mo chúl
Nil uaim ach smaointe ó mo shaoil
Deora ar mo chroí go brón


Tears In My Heart

How wonderful, from morning to night
the sweet voices at my side,
and happiness everywhere, without sorrow,
joy in my heart forever.

If I walk away from life,
the sun, the moon behind me,
I have only the memories of my life,
and sad tears in my heart.

Flora's Secret lyrics

Roma Ryan

Lovers in the long grass
Look above them
Only they can see where the clouds are going
Only to discover
Dust and sunlight ever make the sky so blue

Afternoon is hazy
River flowing
All around the sounds
Moving closer to them
Telling them the story
Told by Flora
Dreams they never knew

Silver willows
Tears from Persia
Those who come from a far-off island
Winter Chanterelle lies under cover
Glory-of-the-sun in blue

Some they know as passion
Some as freedom
Some they know as love
And the way it leaves them
Summer snowflake
For a season
When the sky above is blue
When the sky above is blue

Lying in the long grass
Close beside her
Giving her the name of the one the moon loves
This will be the day she
Will remember
When she knew his heart was
Loving in the long grass
Close beside her
Whispering of love and the way it leaves them
Lying in the long grass
In the sunlight
They believe it's true love
And from all around them
Flora's secret
Telling them of love and the way it breathes
Looking up from eyes of amaranthine
They can see the sky is blue
Knowing that their love is true
dreams they never knew
And the sky above is blue

Fallen Embers lyrics

Roma Ryan

Once, as my heart remember,
All the stars were fallen embers.
Once, when night seemed forever
I was with you.

Once, in the care of morning
In the air was all belonging.
Once, when that day was dawning.
I was with you.

How far we are from morning.
How far are we
And the stars shining through the darkness,
Falling in the air.

Once, as the night was leaving
Into us our dreams were worth keeping.
Once, all dreams were worth keeping.
I was with you.

Once, when our hearts were singing,
I was with you.

Pilgrim lyrics

Roma Ryan

Pilgrim, how you journey
On the road you chose
To find out where the winds die
And where the stories go.
All days come from one day
That much you must know,
You cannot change what's over
But only where you go.

One way leads to diamonds,
One way leads to gold,
Another leads you only
To everything you're told.
In your heart you wonder
Which of these is true;
The road that leads to nowhere,
the road that leads to you.

Will you find the answer
in all you say and do?
Will you find the answer
In you?

Each heart is a pilgrim,
Each one wants to know
The reason why the winds die
And where the stories go.
Pilgrim, in your journey
You may travel far,
For pilgrim it's a long way
To find out who you are...

Pilgrim, it's a long way
To find out who you are...

Pilgrim, it's a long way
To find out who you are...

One By One lyrics

Roma Ryan

Here am I
Yet another goodbye!
He says Adiós, says Adiós,
And do you know why
She won't break down and cry?
- she says Adiós, says Adiós, Goodbye.

One by one my leaves fall.
One by one my tales are told.

It's no lie
She is yearning to fly.
She says Adiós, says Adiós,
And now you know why
He's a reason to sign
- she says Adiós, says Adiós, Goodbye.

One by one my leaves fall.
One by one my tales are told.

My, oh my!
She was aiming too high.
He says Adiós, says Adiós,
And now you know why
There's no moon in her sky
- he says Adiós, says Adiós, Goodbye.
- he says Adiós, says Adiós, Goodbye.

No Goodbyes
For love brightens their eyes
Don't say Adiós, say Adiós,
And do you know why
There's a love that won't die?
- don't say Adiós, say Adiós, Goodbye.

- don't say Adiós, say Adiós, Goodbye.
- don't say Adiós, say Adiós, Goodbye.
- don't say Adiós, say Adiós, Goodbye.

Isobella lyrics

(On the Japanese version of the album only.)

Roma Ryan

I do bheatha sa tús, sa deireadh,
I do bheatha sa tús, sa deireadh.
Isobella, o
Isobella, o

I do lá 's tú go sámh
I do lá 's tú go fior.
Grá, anois go deo na ndeor.

I do bheatha sa tús, sa deireadh
I do bheatha sa tús, sa deireadh
Isobella, o
Isobella, o

I do lá 's tú gan buairt
I do lá 's tú gan brón
Grá, anois go deo
Grá, anois go deo na ndeor.


You live from the beginning to the end
Isobella Isobella

A day that belongs to you, tranquil
A day that belongs to you, pure of heart
Love, now and forever

You live from the beginning to the end
Isobella Isobella

Your day has no sorrow
Your day has no sadness
Love, now and forever
Love, now and forever

Lazy Days lyrics

Roma Ryan

Lazy old day
Rolling away
Dreaming the day away
Don't want to go
Now that I'm in the flow
Crazy amazing day

One red balloon
Floats to the moon
Just let it fly away
I only know
That I'm longing to go
Back to my lazy day

And how it sings and how it sighs
And how it never stays
And how it rings and how it cries
And how it sails away... away... away....

Linear notes

From Only Time: The Colletion. More information on Enya.sk page on that colletion.


A song for a child. A spirit-child. One whom both Enya and myself experienced yet know nothing about. A truly beautiful and peaceful child. We called the little spirit child Isobella and this song is for her.

Only Time

Who knows the way of love? Only time�

A Day Without Rain

"�No-one remembers as I do
how each word of love you gave was true.
So often do I dream of you
so my heart is not alone.

Can dreams be found
when the sun comes again?
Tears still fall down
in a day without rain�"

Originally we thought this track to be a song and began writing lyrics. However as work on the music progressed it became clear that it wanted to be an instrumental. The lyrics, although incomplete, are given here. We did however keep one of the lines as the title of the track.

Wild Child

The day is a wild child. It is unpredictable, it is reckless, it offers you no security, it promises nothing. It is what you make it. So make it good.

Flora's Secret

Tells of lovers lying in the long grass. Perhaps the girl is called Flora. Perhaps the "flora" in the song are the flowers they are surrounded by. Perhaps it is about the Goddess of flowers, Flora.

The Song was inspired by the various legends from classical mythology given to flowers. The "tears from Persia" are the Persian Iris. They are the tears of the Mourning Iris taken from the legend of Persephone, the daughter of Demeter, the Goddess of the Corn. Persephone was abducted by Hades, and was made to spend six months of each year in the underworld with him (hence winter) and the other six months on earth (hence summer). Ah, but who is the one the moon loves?

Fallen Embers

The memory of a special time with the one you love and a reflection of the loss of that love. Yet it is reminiscence filled with the tenderness of that love, as much as with the saddness of its loss. It is a celebration of that special time, and a lament that it is over.

Tempus Vernum

Our lives are entwined with each other and with everything in nature. Yet, although we are part of the cycle of life, we should remember that the earth can begin again - without us. Therefore�

Deora ar mo Chro�

This song continues the theme of Tempus Vernum, a reflection on the beauty of mother earth, and how, after we journey through our days with her, we move beyond. And still the earth sings�

One by One

Four tales from under the Cherry tree. Four tales, four seasons, four loves. Each tale tells a different story, each season has its own time, each love ends in a different way. One by one the tales of love are told, and one by one the pages upon which they are written fall as the leaves fall.

The First of Autumn

Love is like the leaves;
some ever green, some fall on
the first of autumn.

Whilst writing poetry relating to the seasons, I had included some Haiku, the Japanese verse form, and from one of these came the idea for "the First of Autumn". The Haiku is printed here for the first time.

Lazy Days

In the helter skelter of life it is good for the heart and the soul to have a lazy day. One where you make time to dream, to consider, to meditate, to reflect. When simply to be is enough. When we do not worry about the moments that cause us such concern and distress, but enjoy the moment as it is. Whether summer or winter, whether watching the corn moving in the wind, or a single red balloon floating skywards.


Grammy Awards
Year Winner Category
2002 A Day Without Rain Best New Age Album


Year Chart Position
2000 The Billboard 200 (US) 2
2000 Top Canadian Albums (Canada) 4
2000 Top Internet Albums (US) 1
2000 Top New Age Albums (US) 1
2000 Official Album Chart (UK) 6
Year Single Chart Position
2001 "Only Time" Adult Contemporary (US) 1
2001 "Only Time" Adult Top 40 (US) 1
2001 "Only Time" Canadian Singles Chart (Canada) 1
2001 "Only Time" The Billboard Hot 100 (US) 10
2001 "Only Time" Top 40 Mainstream (US) 11
2001 "Only Time" Top 40 Tracks (US) 7
2002 "Only Time" Top 40 Adult Recurrents (US) 2
2000 "Only Time" Official Singles Chart (UK) 32
2001 "Wild Child" Official Singles Chart (UK) 72
2001 "Only Time" Official German Top 100 Charts 1


Produced by Nicky Ryan

Engineered by Nicky Ryan
Mixed by Enya and Nicky Ryan
Recorded at Aigle Studios
Composed by Enya
Arranged by Enya and Nicky Ryan
All instruments and voices by Enya
Lyrics by Roma Ryan
Irish adaptation by Enya

Published by EMI Music Publishing Ltd
Additional strings by Wired Strings
Mastered at 360 Mastering by Dick Beetham

Recorded in the digital domain by an analogue brain
Design & art direction by Stylorouge
Front cover photography by Sheila Rock
All other photography by Sheila Rock & Simon Fowler
Costume design by The Handsome Foundation

Enya, Nicky & Roma would like to express their
appreciation to Roger Ames and Nick Phillips.

We would also like to say BIG THANKS to all our friends at
WARNER MUSIC WORLDWIDE who worked so hard on our behalf, with a
special mention to Tony McGuinness and to the SOLID STATE
LOGIC�s Product Support Team with special thanks to John
Jeffery and Derek Hobbs.

A special thanks to our long time friend & publisher
Peter Reichardt.

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